While I was working in the neighbourhood of Tarlabaşı this series came along. This part of the city is said to be a criminal place - a no-go area. For me, this place was simply very loud, poor, chaotic and full of garbage. I was overwhelmed by this narrow place, too much almost. Then I started to be part of it. I waved over from my balcony to the neighbours in front of me and, after a while, was sitting in their living room and having a tea with them: communicating with gestures, via my camera or the miserable Google translator. I went almost every day to have food at the same place, next to it having a tea and some other days having a Turkish coffee around the corner – Do you take sugar? Yes, one please. It tasted better with sugar and with sweets like baklava beside it. I expanded my own neighbourhood step-by-step and I started to focus on the strong colors everywhere and its body parts that scurried past my eyes.


A metropolitan area around Detroit. Hamtramck flourished between 1910 and 1920, when thousands of European immigrants, mainly Polish, were attracted by the growing automobile industry. The motto of the city was "A league of nations" As a result of the decline in the automobile industry around Detroit, the population of Hamtramck declined as in the entire region.


For the Danish motor racing drivers, it has been a long time dream to revive the history of Danish vintage motor racing. In particular beach racing.
In the years 1919-1924 the island of Fanø gave home to some of the most legendary riders and drivers, Europe had to offer. Sadly the races on the beach of Fanø came to an end. Fast forward to modern times, a group of enthusiasts in the hot rod & custom community has finally succeeded in landing the necessary approvals for a race on the Island of Rømø.


A photo series inspired by songs from Leonard Cohen. The confrontation of their experience with death or the question what comes after that.